I find it to be quite ingenious to convert a school bus into a tiny home. However, I find it more creative that they choose to nickname it the Skoolie. An adorable name for an all around showstopper.
Looking For A Magic School Bus? Then Check Out This Skoolie!

I am just swooning over this Skoolie as it challenges my ideas of a livable space. For those more nomadic in nature I can imagine this home being the best of both worlds. This is because not all tiny homes are great to move all the time. It is an adventure to move larger tiny homes but this home is perfect for on the go. Being a school bus, it is capable of functioning off the grid.
“As I always say, make mistakes, make mistakes, make mistakes! It’s the best way to learn something.”
-Miss Frizzle

Building a tiny home or revamping a space to be a home is no easy feat. I applaud these homes for their DIY skills and creativity. The hardest part of the process is when we make mistakes. However, mistakes can make for great success in the long run. I feel that this custom skoolie is an amazing example of what can be accomplished.
One of the best things about the tiny house movement is that there are no limitations. Other than the the legal limitations, of course. Let your creativity soar and make your dreams come to life. If your dream home needs to be on the move like you, then the skoolie is a perfect match. Imagine taking this home across the states to see the world. This home not only gives you a new perspective of living, but also a new perspective on life.
Listed for $40,000.00
I like your creativity in this schoolie. How is it to drive? Interested in learning more. Would love to travel on something like this state to state. To see the west coast. Or the National parks.